Dog Training Classes

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The Dog Squad offers two drop-in dog training classes per month in Oakland at Lake Temescal for its clients that have finished private in-home training. The classes allow clients to polish and improve their obedience skills in real world settings and high distraction.

The Dog Training Classes Video was filmed with actual Dog Squad Clients and dogs during a real dog training lesson. The training Classes were conducted by Steve Bettcher, Certified Dog Trainer and owner of The Dog Squad of Oakland, CA. The Dog Training Classes may have been edited for the purpose of compressing time but were done on the same day as shown in the video.

The Dog Squad is a full service in-home Dog and Puppy Training Company serving the Oakland East Bay Area and Contra Costa County. Services include Puppy Training and Adult Dog Training Programs including all types of dog behavior problems such as aggression, destruction, barking and separation anxiety.

The Dog Squad also gives life time of the dog phone and email support.

Dog Training Services

Call for Free Phone Consultation 877-632-DOGS (3647)

To view more training videos go to my YouTube Channel.